Intro Questions - Jayce Bordelon

  1. Name: Jayce Bordelon | Major: CS | Year: Senior
  2. I am taking this class because of my minor in HCI. Software development is easy. The unintuitive design process is what I struggle with and I hope to learn how to make better design patterns.
  3. I have had 4 software internships in full stack software engineering. I currently teach CSE330 - Rapid Prototype development. I spend a lot of freetime working on full stack projects! Here is my website.
  4. I hope to learn a systematic way to approach design.
  5. Designing for screen requires a lot of concern for user experience and information retrieval.
  6. Good design: Netlify. I would consider this a good design because of the seamless font heierachy, color choices, and ease of navigation.
  7. Good communication: Trading View. This is a good example of effective communication because of the product description and information availability within only the first page. You can even demo the product on the home page! The news sections are not cluttered and the site effectively takes advantage of white space.
  8. Works Well: Streamline Icons. Though the design pattern and system is simple, the site wastes no time with unnecessary information. It does it's job and serves Icons to the user without unnecessary clutter!